Dark Demon (Carpathians, #16) by Christine Feehan
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Rating 5/5
For as long as she can remember, Natalya has been fighting demons: first in the form of childhood nightmares, then later, immortal creatures that kill and prey on the innocent--including her own twin brother. Whether Carpathian or vampire, she slays those who murder by night, and as no equal--until she is seduced by the very thing she considers her enemy...
A Carpathian who has seen nearly everything in his endless existence, Vikirnoff doesn't think he can be surprised anymore--until he faces a woman who rivals him as a vampire hunter. A formidable and gifted warrior in her own right, Natalya has a nature that is strangely familiar--yet alien--to his own. Who is this mysterious female who fears no one--not even him? Natalya could be the key to the survival of the Carpathians, but all Vikirnoff is certain of is that she is the key to his heart and soul...
This has got to be my favourite book ever. I know i know i've said that for quite a few of the Carpathian Series, but if Feehan can actually top this one, then hats off to you lady.
Dark Demon had equal quantities of everything - romance, mystery, great characters, great situations, amazing conversations.. you know everything you want in a good book.
Natalya is part mage, part Carpathain and all woman. She's a movie addict with hilarious results - like calling the vampire Freddie Boy. She has grit and determination. She featured for half a page in Dark Secret (book 15). She's a woman on the run. The Vampires are searching for her as she can see the past of an object when she touches it, and they want her to find something for them.
She goes against everything she has been taught (basically being that the Carpathians will kill her if they find her) and still saves Vikirnoff's life and helps him heal as well after the two of them face a couple of vamps.
Vikirnoff, who i loved in Dark Destiny, has been in search of Natalya since and now finds her in the Carpathian mountains fighting off Vampires with no fear. Always assuming his lifemate would be someone who loved home and hearth and not a fiesty smartmouth with a will and mind of her own, he's not sure what to make of her, but is captivated none the less.
I loved these lines in the book which summarised it best:
"He was beginning to realize having a lifemate was difficult. Living with her wasn't about what he wanted, or even needed. Being a lifemate was about supporting Natalya even when everything in him wanted something else. Her personality required a certain amount of freedom and it didn't always matter what he deemed best."
While learning to trust each other, they have their own adventurous time fighting off vampires, entering the cave of the dark mage Xavier and learn of family ties, betrayal and manipulation in Natalya's life. Throughout Vikirnoff is with her. I can't really add more without giving away more of the story - but this book does bring new characters and a larger plot against the Carpathians to life.
This book had a lot more happening in it than the other ones, and the ending was absolutely amazing - not the normal, she converted, small vampire fight and they lived happily ever after - a lot more here.
The attraction between these 2 is sizzling...and at the same time actually believable in a beyond the fairy tale way (am i still making sense?) I loved the part where Vikirnoff completely loses it during Natalya's conversion into a full Carpathian. This is the first book i think where Feehan actually showed the man showing fear and this much of concern - making me like Vikirnoff all the more.
And then there were lines like these that made Natalya and Vikirnoff my favourite couple:
I love when Vikirnoff first meets her in the forest and he orders her to leave the fight expecting her to obey:
Vikirnoff: "Get out of here. I will take care of this while you make your escape."
Natalya: "You've got to be kidding me!..You couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag right now."
Vikirnoff: "You will not address your lifemate with such disrespect. Do as I say at once and leave this place. The battle has only begun and you must remain safe. He will not die if you do not incinerate his heart"
Natalya: "Keep your orders for someone who wants to be hunter's mouse. And these things should come with an instruction manual on killing them."
Vikirnoff : "I do not want to embarrass you and force your obedience."
Natalya: "Are you out of your tiny little mind? Do your women actually obey when you say jump? And don't think for one moment that you could force my obedience. You don't want to start a war with me."
Vikirnoff : "The vampire is going for as much blood loss as possible to weaken me. If I try to
protect you, which I must do, I will divide my strength."
Natalya: "Well, try not to let it happen. I've got enough to take care of without worrying about protecting an amateur. I'm a little busy here if you don't mind. Silence would be appreciated."
Natalya: "Die already! Sheesh, the least you could do is put yourself out of your misery and get it over...If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a whiney vampire."
"You're like the little engine that could, except you can't."
"This is just great news. My intended is the undead waiting to happen. Do I have a neon
sign stamped on my forehead? If you're a bloodsucking evil monster, willing to murder and wreak havoc, please apply."
Will definitely be reading this one again...
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