What are you reading Mondays?
Monday, July 20, 2009

This was a fun week. Although the books were not as good as I'd liked them to be:
Blood Bound - Patricia Briggs - 4.5/5 Loved this book. This series is fast becoming a favourite
Playing With Fire - Katie MacAlister - 5/5. I think I've waited forever to get my hands on this one and i did not disappoint.
Kiss of Midnight - Lara Adrian 2.5/5
Dangerous Games - Lora Leigh 3/5. Umm, I'm a bit confused now. I gave this Lora Leigh book a higher rating than Kiss of Midnight? LOL. I think the other Midnight Breed books will be better than book 1 though, so there's hope still yet.
This week is my "stop fooling around and catch up on work" week, so i probably wont get a lot of reading done. In anticipation of staying back at work after hours (sigh) I'm only planning on To Kill a Mockingbird, which i can't believe i haven't read yet.
Happy Reading Everyone.
Favourite line of the week: "It’s like trying to discuss brain surgery with tapioca.’’ (Playing With Fire)
Patricia Briggs is an author I keep meaning to put on my TBR list.
I have a couple of Katie MacAlister books on Mt TBR, must get them out, sounds like you enjoyed Playing with Fire!
I loved Playing with Fire as well, but couldn't get into her Aislin Gray novels. Have a great week.
Kiss of Midnight is what I'm reading at the moment, too early to tell what I think but I do hope to enjoy it more than you did! ;-)
I've been meanind to re-read To Kill a Mockingbird for years.
Happy reading! :)
I want to re-read To Kill A Mockingbird! I hope you enjoy it!
Alaine - i think you'll like Briggs. You get completely involved in her books.
Teddyree - yeah, i did. Its not often paranormal stories have this much of humor.
Jess, Marie - Thanks.
Ana - my main problem was Gabrielle, the rest wasn't so bad :)
Speaking of paranormals with humour, not that I've read Katie MacAlister yet, but have you tried Maryjanice Davidson? I read the first two books from her Undead series and found them hilarious!
Haven't gotten to MaryJanice Davidson yet. But its in the plan. I tend to read a couple of books by an author at a time and then pick another. Thanks for the recommendation.
I will keep my eyes out for the second Lara Adrian book. I won't be able to read it for a few months. I need to focus on clearing these personal and review books up this year. I have plans for next year!
I hate those catch up weeks. Here is mine
Playing with Fire sounds interesting :) Glad you liked it. Here's my list :)
happy reading :)
Hmm, I have Kiss of Midnight on my Kindle (freebie from amazon). Not sure when I'll get to it but I had high hopes it would be good since it's the start of a series. Too bad.
Oooo. Patricia Briggs. I still need to read Blood Bound.
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