Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris
Friday, May 14, 2010
Series: The Southern Vampire Series / Sookie Stackhouse, Book 10
Genre: Paranormal
Copyright: 2010
Pages: 311
Rating: 4 / 5
Synopsis: Sookie Stackhouse has finally settled into a relationship with the Viking vampire Eric, and her errant brother Jason seems to have his life in order, too. But all the other people in Sookie’s life – Eric himself, her former lover Bill, her friend and boss Sam – are having family problems. Eric’s maker shows up with Eric’s ‘brother’ in tow, the ailing Bill can only be healed by a blood sibling, and Sam’s brother’s marriage is about to take place... or will it? The furor raised by the coming out of the two-natured has yet to settle; some people are just not ready to sit down to dinner with a man who turns into a dog. And Sookie herself is still recovering from her last ordeal. She’s definitely improving, physically and mentally, but she’s always going to have some dark moments now. The werewolves tell her that there have been strange and ominous passers-by in the Stackhouse woods; now Sookie is about to come face-to-face with one of her more distant relatives...
After 9 books of watching the goings on in Sookies' life like a nosy neighbour who cant stay away and lusting after Alexander Skarsgård, a really weird thing happened…book 10 released and I didn’t realise it until I saw it marked on Goodreads. That was easily remedied by shamelessly going out and getting a copy of the book to read till the wee hours of the next afternoon. What is not easily remedied is the wait for the next book, the 'huh, there's no more pages, this was the end?' and the 'give the Sook a break and a HEA' feeling going through my head.
Book 10 has all the usual characters - an abundance of supes and crazies, each with their own problems, each having Sookie involved in them till you wonder how she manages to keep track of everything without a blog, not enough of hot loving with Eric, dead bodies in her back yard, someone out to kill Sookie… you know the usual
Book 9 ended with the traumatic and almost near death torturous experience and rescue of Sookie. So it was only natural that Dead in the Family would have a subdued and shaky beginning. Sookie and Eric are together and now very much in love. It does seem like supe responsibilities and other people keep getting in their way, but they're making do. Harris has made them comfortable with each other, but how its ends with an immortal vampire and a very mortal telepath is still up in the air.
As the book name suggests, its all about family bonds in this book. We see a much matured Jason (finally) and a surprise visit by Eric's creator and new brother. While the gateway to fairy closed in the last book, Claude is still around, and in a completely unexpected move, he moves in with Sookie on the pretext of being close to someone of fairy blood. But is he really there for family bonds, or something else? Either way I hope to see more of him, I like this new and hopefully improving side of Claude. I was surprised at so little Bill time in this book, since he was the one who rescued Sook in book 9. I can bet however, that you'd never guess how things turn out for Bill.
In a way, this book was filled with quite a few surprises. I don't know if I was too excited to be actually reading this that I didn't get it or that it really was a surprise that I didn't know the who dunnits at all in this book. Harris seems to be going in a new direction with this book. 10 books on with the same main character and I will become hard to keep the excitement and momentum going. For now, I just felt Sookie has had it rough for too long. I do hope the next book is a bit happier.
Click here for reviews of books 1-9
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